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Exploring University Life

Year 8’s Visit University of Essex for Skills Workshop

On Wednesday 26th June, 55 Year 8 students visited the University of Essex in Colchester to take part in a workshop titled 'Powering Transformation' ran by The Talent Foundry, in cooperation with Dell Technologies.

Students completed a workshop focussed on their skills development, delivered through the Skills Builder platform. Students worked in teams to complete different challenges and to build a solar powered car in the morning session.

University of Essex student ambassadors led students on a campus tour to view the outside spaces, accommodation, sports facilities and the library. Students really enjoyed exploring the campus and discovering more about university life. In the afternoon session, the students worked in teams to identify world issues and then used their skills to develop a product using technology to help solve their chosen world issue. They worked well in their teams and showed great courage, confidence, and professionalism when it came to presenting back to the group. There were some great ideas created, including car filters for pollution, watches to promote inclusivity and interactive bins to support littering and recycling. Our learners showed great enthusiasm and represented the school in a remarkable way.

The Lower Academy will be launching the Skills Builder Programme across the school from September, more information to follow on this.

“I found the trip amazing, my favourite part was when we made a solar powered car.”

“The visit was very exciting as it helped me explore new skills such as teamwork and public speaking.” Harrison.S

“The trip was interesting and helpful. I enjoyed the tour around the university and the group activities helped me with my social skills.” Summer.B

“The visit has inspired me to go to university, and also look further into tech. It helped me gain confidence with my social skills.” Milly.W