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Key Stage 3 Learning

Developing the Whole Child

At the Lower Academy we have extensive enrichment and extra-curricular programmes that broaden horizons, combat external negative experiences and build positive relationships.

We hold regular health & wellbeing days where students are able to interact with external agencies, organisations, employers, staff and older students to become better informed on issues relating to their personal health, safety and well-being.

In order to enrich and extend our provision, leaders have deliberately designed the curriculum to include non-assessed elements to support contextual knowledge and skill building beyond qualifications, including:

  • Daily enrichment
  • RE/Citizenship
  • RSHE delivery (inc. RSE)

Parental partnerships play an important role in assessing the areas of need and development for our young people.

Z Spencer
Assistant Header
& Respect Champion

S Peake
Student Development Leader & Designated Safeguarding Lead

We also recognise there is more to life at the academy than just academic progress; we know it is our moral purpose to educate the “whole child” and develop the attributes of leadership, organisation, communication, initiative and resilience in every child.

To support the excellent teaching, we have a number of additional adults available throughout the day. Our Student Development Leaders and Respect Champions are there to support learners in lessons and help them to overcome any barriers that might prevent them from learning.

Students who are Diversity Ambassadors, Sports Captains or on the School Executive Team are proud of these roles. They represent and support other students well.