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Key Stage 3 Learning

Key Stage 3 Learning

Leaders have created a varied curriculum to promote pupils’ personal development. This includes dedicated personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE) lessons, daily enrichment activities and weekly focuses, such as ‘job of the week’. This prepares pupils well for life beyond school, including building their knowledge of careers.


The Lower Academy has always enjoyed a positive reputation for the way we care for and support learners. Everything we do is focused around the child and our aim is to give our students the tools to be successful at the Upper Academy when they move into Year 10, as well as for adult life.

Life at the Lower Academy is exciting; every day is full of wonderful learning opportunities designed to bring out the very best in all of our students. Our learning experiences aim to deliver Cultural Capital - equity of opportunity for our young people to aspire and achieve. We are all committed to enriching wider frames of reference and supporting student passion for lifelong learning.


Equality, Diversity and Inclusion are at the heart of our Academy vision and student values. All students have the right to access a full curriculum offer, with groupings and pathways in place to support delivery.  All the subjects we teach are crucial to a well-rounded learner and therefore, have been deliberately implemented to ensure engagement and a passion for learning.

Our success is based on an effective partnership between students, staff, parents and carers. We will always aim to build positive, trusting and long lasting relationships to support our students to be confident, aspirational and highly successful members of our community.

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Teachers use questioning skilfully to check and deepen pupils’ understanding. Teachers break down learning into smaller chunks and choose activities well, helping pupils remember important knowledge and skills.
