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Attendance & Absence

All student attendance queries and concerns should be raised via or the Contact Us page, selecting the ‘Attendance’ tab.

Student attendance to school is vital in supporting their outcomes and future destinations. We have a 100% attendance ethos at the Basildon Lower Academy.

Our non-teaching attendance team are able to support with any concerns or queries regarding student attendance, providing guidance on the rare occasions your child may need to miss school.

Please let us know as soon as possible if your child is unable to attend school, ideally by 8am, by email to

Supporting Your Child with School Anxiety and Attendance

We understand that anxiety can sometimes make attending school challenging for some students. If your child is struggling with school-related anxiety, these resources offer practical advice and support for parents:

YoungMinds – A helpful guide with strategies for managing school anxiety:

Kooth – A free, confidential online mental health service for young people, offering support through articles, forums, and one-to-one chats with professionals:


Attendance During 1 School Year

Equals Days Absent

Which is Approximately
Weeks Absent

Which Means This Number
of Lessons Missed

Absence Over 5 Years

95% 9 Days 2 Weeks 50 Lessons ¼ Year
90% 19 Days 4 Weeks 100 Lessons ½ Year
80% 38 Days 8 Weeks 200 Lessons 1 Year 
70% 59 Days 12 Weeks 300 Lessons 1 ½ Years 
60% 80 Days 16 Weeks 400 Lessons 2 Years
50% 100 Days 20 Weeks 500 Lessons 2 ½ Years

Rewarding Good Attendance

Attendance is one of the attributes that is considered when there are rewards events and trips.

Daily Rewards: Daily text messages for 100% attendance are sent via text message or through the MCAS app.

Weekly Rewards: Weekly student briefings, held on Mondays, highlight the students who have achieved 100% attendance and have no late marks. These students receive a token, which they can use for either a queue jump for the dinner queue or a hot chocolate at break time throughout the week.

Half-Termly Rewards: Each half-term, 100% attendance postcards are given to students based on their attendance for that period.

Termly Rewards: Students receive a badge and certificate during a celebration event in recognition of their termly attendance. The badge can be pinned to their tie.

My question hasn’t been answered here

Please get in touch with us by contacting our Attendance Team: with any further questions, and they will be happy to discuss them with you.