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RESPECT, Relationships and GRIT (Growth, Resilience, Independence and Tenacity)

To support the academy RESPECT ethos we hold ‘Respect Days’ with support from external organisations and speakers such as Julie Wilkinson and her award winning training programme for young people.

The Respect Days provide creative and interactive ‘Solutions to Personal Wellbeing’ training workshops which enable students to learn emotional resilience, confidence building tools and techniques, the importance of body language, respect and friendship skills.

As part of our commitment to supporting our students in applying these new skills, we have a member of our pastoral team, in the role of Respect Champion.  This unique role enables the Respect Champion to be responsible for:

  • Fostering our respect culture with our young people
  • Developing and supporting student emotional resilience
  • Supporting our young people build self-esteem and friendships
  • Co-ordination of Lower Academy respect and anti-bullying strategies.

Our Respect Champion works closely with colleagues from our Upper Academy and ensures we have trained and experienced RESPECT Ambassadors available to support our students, running facilities and supporting our primary feeder schools.

If you require any support, information, guidance or advice in any of the areas above, then please contact our Lower Academy Respect Champion.

Through our GRIT mindset programme, students undertake comprehensive sessions to develop GRIT (Growth, Resilience, Independence, Tenacity). This is achieved through curriculum planning, health & wellbeing events, active learning opportunities across the Key Stages.

These are recognised as key attributes throughout our rewards programme.

Assistant Headteacher & Respect Champion

Reporting Concerns

We would recommend your child tell an adult as soon as possible after a respect issue has occurred. We would also encourage your child to tell an adult if they are a bystander, even if this is in the community.

For clarity, there are multiple ways to report Respect (Bullying) issues to the Academies:


Directly to our Respect Champion


To our Quality of Education Leads; Year 7, 8 & 9

 Contact Us page – Select 'Quality of Education Lead Queries'

Pupils feel this is an inclusive school where people from different backgrounds are welcomed into the school community.

Ofsted 2023