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Parent Partnership Award

To help develop positive relationships between our school and parents, The Basildon Academies are participants in the Leading Parent Partnership Award (LPPA).

This LPPA Award helps our school to work in partnership with all parents and carers increasing parental participation in school life, leading to improved pupil progress, punctuality, attendance and behaviour. The framework encourages parents to be involved in their children's learning leading to improved outcomes in all aspects of school life.

We are committed to developing effective partnerships with parents, outward facing into the community and meeting the needs of our local context.

The trust has established a parents’ forum which is self-sustaining and is used as an effective sounding board for developments.

The forum has also been involved in developing key policies alongside senior leaders with a direct link between the forum and the governing body.

Our consistent approaches to parental engagement ensure our schools operate the same processes and practices, supporting consistently.

We work in partnership with parents and carers in various ways.  These include parent representation on all local governing bodies and an active and effective parent forum that is chaired by our parent trustee.

Effective parent communications are live on many channels; through social media, through high quality information on display to parents within our schools, regular newsletters, our websites, parent evenings, open-classroom events and through regular phone calls, texts and emails.  

Transitions into and within the school are supported effectively with significant investment of time and effort to ensure they are successful. Programmes and workshops for parents are offered on a wide range of areas both by the school and, in partnership with external agencies.

Termly awards evenings provide the perfect opportunity to recognise the successes of all of our students and to share these with parents.

The schools within our trust have successfully achieved the prestigious Leading Parent Partnership Award, validating the effective work and partnerships we have with parents, as well as challenging our next steps.