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British Values

Mutual Respect

The understanding that everyone needs to be respected and not discriminated against.

At the Basildon Lower Academy we support and promote the British Value of Mutual Respect through our own student values. These reflect the understanding and acknowledgment from our students of the importance of this value. 

Our Personal Development curriculum promotes British Values through our discussion based activities each Wednesday. 

We have Respect champions within the school, students and staff who promote the attitudes of quality, fairness and respect of everyone.

We promote positive language through our BA Way and promote good manners and respect through our everyday behaviour policies. 

In RSHE lessons, students have the chance to discuss and learn about people from all other backgrounds and understand why it is important to respect one another. Students are taught about the importance of respect and how people feel if they are not on the receiving end of respect. 

Individual Liberty

The understanding that everyone can have an opinion and faith and it is protected by the law. 

Students are taught, throughout their time at the Basildon Lower Academy that they can make their own choices and how to make informed decisions. Students are encouraged to form these views in a safe and stimulating environment. 

Students are provided with the opportunity to join a range of clubs and committees which have student voice at the heart of the decisions made. Through this, students have a voice to make change within the school and to try and influence people outside of the school. 


Understanding how people have the opportunity to influence decision making through a fair and legal process. 

Throughout the RSHE curriculum, students are given the opportunity to learn about the democratic processes afford to them in England. 

Students are provided with the opportunity to take part in Parliament Week each year and immerse themselves in the democratic process. 

Through the student voice and other committees within the school, students are given the chance to adhere to the democratic process and make a change within the school. 

Throughout the wider curriculum, in lessons such as History and Geography, students can see what it is like to not be afforded democracy and see the importance and impact this British Value has. 

Tolerance of different faiths and beliefs

Acceptance that everyone has different views, faiths and beliefs but everyone should be accepted for this. No one should face prejudicial or discriminatory behaviour. 

Our RE and RSHE curriculum focus' on teaching students about a range of religions, backgrounds and view points. Students learn about culture and background and have the chance to discuss themselves. 

Our student values further support this British Value. 

The Rule of Law

A respect that we have laws to protect everyone in the country and that wellbeing and safety is paramount. 

Students are taught our school values, classroom, corridor and school expectations. They are provided with a clear understanding of the BA Way and how to act. Students are also required to adhere to these rules for their safety and wellbeing, as well as that of those around them. 

Behaviours and choices made within the school are dealt with through praise or consequence depending on the choices each student makes. 

Students have the opportunity to meet with external agencies to discuss laws and how to behave outside of school.

Students attend regular assemblies to discuss expectations within school and the importance of being safe.