Parental Engagement
We have produced a series of questions to support students learning in RSHE. Each lesson has three questions based on the learning that parents/carers can discuss with students at home.
Year 7 RSHE Questions
Unit One – Managing Change
- An Introduction to RSHE
- What is RSHE?
- What do you think you’ll be learning this year?
- What are your ambitions?
- Importance of Community
- What is a community?
- What communities are we a part of?
- What do you think of your school community?
- Me!
- What makes you feel happy?
- When you’re sad, how can I help you?
- How can what we eat affect how we feel?
- The importance of kindness
- How can we show kindness on a daily basis?
- What are the different ways to show kindness?
- How does being kind make you feel?
- Anti-Bullying
- What kinds of bullying are there?
- What is a bystander?
- What should you do if you ever see someone being bullied?
- Transition Points
- What are the biggest points of transition in life?
- How do points of transition make you feel?
- Who can you turn to for support during transitions?
Unit Two – Celebrating Diversity and Equality
- Multi-Cultural Britain
- What is immigration?
- Is there a difference between nationality and culture?
- Are there traditions from other countries we celebrate?
- What is your identity?
- What do you consider are the biggest parts of your life?
- What are your proud of that you have achieved?
- What are you looking forward to most in life?
- The Equality Act 2010
- Who can you not discriminate against under the Equality Act?
- What can happen if you do discriminate under the Equality Act?
- Should everyone be treated equally?
- Breaking down stereotypes?
- Can you explain what a stereotype is?
- Have you ever judged someone on their appearance?
- Why is discrimination a bad thing?
- Challenging Islamophobia
- What do you know about Islam?
- What do you think causes Islamophobia?
- How does Islamophobia contradict with British Values?
Unit Three – Staying Safe Online and Offline
- Staying Safe Online
- What is a gut feeling? Have you ever had one?
- How can you stay safe online?
- Is the internet a safe place or not?
- Avoiding Gangs
- How can you spot if someone is in a gang?
- Why do people often join a gang?
- If someone from a gang approaches you, what should you do?
- What is alcohol?
- What are the effects of alcohol on your body?
- Why do people drink?
- What are the dangers of drinking?
- Smoking
- What chemicals are in cigarettes?
- Are there any dangers of vaping?
- How can people stop smoking?
- Energy Drinks
- What is bad about drinking energy drinks?
- Are there consequences of drinking too many energy drinks?
- What are healthier alternatives?
Unit Four – Health and Wellbeing
- Introduction to puberty
- What happens when you hit puberty?
- Is there anything that worries you about puberty?
- How can your brain change during puberty?
- Female Puberty
- What happens when a girl hits puberty?
- What will girls have to use monthly during adulthood?
- How may a girls emotions be affected?
- Male Puberty
- What are the main signs of male puberty?
- Can boys be effected physically and mentally?
- How can boys look after themselves during puberty?
- Personal Hygiene
- Do you need me to get you anything to improve your hygiene?
- How can you have a positive wellbeing?
- What makes good hygiene?
Unit Five – Relationship and Sex Education
- Assertiveness, consent and boundaries
- What is consent?
- When should you be assertive?
- Can you say no?
- Respect and Relationships
- What are the different types of relationship?
- What makes a positive relationship?
- What is bad behaviour in a relationship?
- What makes a good friend?
- What makes a good friend?
- What is a toxic friendship?
- Are you a good friend?
- Friendships and Managing them
- Do you have online friendships?
- How can you spot dangers in an online friendship?
- What is the difference between an online and real life friendship?
- What does it mean to be a man?
- What do you think it means to be a man?
- Should men and women talk about their feelings?
- Should men and women look a certain way?
Unit 6 – Politics, Parliament Me
- Why is politics important?
- Why do you think politics is important?
- What is a democracy?
- Where are our laws made?
- Who represents us and what is Parliament?
- What three bodies make up Parliament?
- Who represents us in Parliament?
- Who represents us in Parliament?
- The Prime Minister
- Can you name any British Prime Ministers?
- What is the role of the Prime Minister?
- What characteristics does a good Prime Minister need?
- Exploring inside Parliament
- What is the State opening of Parliament?
- Is there a difference between Government and Parliament?
- What is the difference between the House of Commons and the House of Lords?
- Voting and Elections in the UK
- What are the different ways people can vote in the UK?
- How does the general election process work?
- What is the opposition in Parliament?
- Politics, Debating and Parliament?
- Should we lower the voting age in the UK?
- What does the devil’s advocate mean?
- What are recent laws that have been passed in the UK?
Year 8
Unit One – Rights, Responsibilities and British Values
- Desert Island Living
- What makes a good leader?
- Could you survive living on your own?
- If you could only have one item for the rest of your life, what would it be?
- Building a Community
- What is prejudice?
- Can you describe a time where you may have pre-judged someone?
- Who can face discrimination?
- Making decisions, teamwork and leadership
- How can you become a good leader?
- In what situations can you be a leader?
- What is the importance of teamwork?
- Crime, law and Society
- How does society punish people for their crimes?
- Should different people be punished in different ways?
- What is the age of criminal responsibility?
- How are laws made?
- Why do we need laws?
- Can you describe the law making process in the UK?
- Is making laws an easy process or not?
- Prison, Reform and Punishment
- What are the punishments people receive for: murder, manslaughter, GBH, theft?
- What is the Youth Court?
- Is the prison system suitable for what its aims are?
Unit Two – Celebrating Diversity and Equality
- What does LGBT stand for?
- What famous people you admire are members of the LGBT community?
- Are we respectful of the LGBT community in the UK?
- Sexual orientation and Gender Identity
- How can being a part of the LGBT community affect someone’s daily life?
- Does the LGBT community face any stereotypes?
- What is the difference between sex and gender?
- Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
- What does transgender mean?
- Can you explain the Gender Recognition Act?
- Why is homophobic language not acceptable?
- Homophobia
- What is the difference between homophobia, transphobia and biphobia?
- Is homophobia as bad as racism?
- Homophobia can come in what forms?
- Supporting the LGBT community
- What is an ally?
- What is oppression?
- How can you support members of the LGBT community?
- Challenging homophobia and transphobia
- What does being assertive mean?
- How can you challenge homophobia?
- What does passive aggressive mean?
Unit Three – Staying Safe On and Offline
- County Lines
- Can you explain what county lines are?
- How do gangs recruit and keep people in their gang?
- How are people recruited?
- County Lines
- Who do county lines gangs target?
- How do gangs psychological affect you?
- Does knowing about these gangs help you?
- Substance Misuse
- What is worse, drinking or drugs?
- Can you explain what substance misuse is?
- How can you get help for substance misuse?
- Cyber Bullying
- What is cyber bullying?
- How is cyber bullying different to all other kinds of bullying?
- Are there any laws regarding cyber bullying?
- Child Exploitation and Online Protection
- What is Child Sexual Exploitation?
- How can you help someone who is a victim?
- How can you stay safe online?
- Alcohol Safety
- Why do you think people drink?
- What are drinking units?
- Why do so many young people drink?
Unit Four – Health and Wellbeing
- Physical and Mental Health
- What is the difference between physical and mental health?
- What are good habits for both physical and mental health?
- Do you consider yourself healthy?
- Physical and Mental health
- What does good mental health look like?
- What is the Mental Health Act?
- Are there signs for all types of mental illness?
- Positive Body Image
- What is body image?
- Do boys suffer with body issues?
- How does body image change over the world?
- Bullying
- What is bullying?
- Does teasing cause any harm?
- How does bullying make someone feel?
- Child Abuse
- What are the four types of abuse?
- What is consent?
- Can you explain the importance of personal space?
- Healthy Eating
- What is BMI?
- What is balanced diet?
- How can your diet effect climate change?
- Stress Management
- What is stress?
- What are you biggest stressors?
- How can you help yourself deal with stress?
Unit Five – Relationships and Sex Education
- Relationship Education
- What types of relationships are there?
- What makes a good relationship?
- How do you show respect in a relationship?
- Healthy Relationships
- Do all people have the same idea of what a healthy relationship is?
- What is the age of consent?
- If someone isn’t comfortable in a relationship, what can they do?
- Conflict
- What is conflict?
- How can you try to resolve conflict?
- Is walking away to cool down after conflict a good idea?
- Periods
- Can you explain the menstrual cycle?
- Why is it important for boys to understand the menstrual cycle?
- What type of products can people use to help during the menstrual cycle?
- What is love?
- What do you think love is?
- Is love important?
- What should you consider when getting into a romantic relationship?
Unit Six – Life Beyond School
- Employability Skills
- What is an entrepreneur?
- What skills do you need in the workplace?
- How can you problem solve?
- Me, Myself and I
- What do you think your future self looks like?
- Why it is important to be happy?
- What is self-esteem?
- Self-Esteem and the Media
- What can boost someone’s self esteem?
- How can social media affect someone?
- How do you feel about yourself?
- Careers
- What jobs have you considered you may want to do?
- Is your chosen career the most important thing?
- How should you choose your career?
- Exploring Careers
- What are job sectors we have in the UK?
- What types of problems can people face at work?
- Does gender matter when choosing a career?
Year 9
Unit One – Staying Safe On and offline
- Introduction to Drugs and Addiction
- What do you think the most addictive substance is?
- What factors influence addiction?
- Why do people turn to drugs when they’re unhappy?
- Different types of addictions
- Can you name four types of addiction?
- Why are some addictions socially acceptable whereas others aren’t?
- What is the worst addiction and why?
- Cannabis Products
- What can cannabis be called?
- What are the side effects of using cannabis?
- Should cannabis be legal or illegal?
- Drug Classifications
- Can you describe the three main classes of drugs?
- What are the punishments for possession of the three classes of drugs?
- What do you think the punishments for using and possessing drugs should be?
- Class A and B Drugs
- What are the effects of cocaine?
- What is the most dangerous drug in your opinion?
- What is Heroin?
- Alcohol and Smoking
- How is alcohol measured?
- What are the effects of alcohol misuse?
- What are the effects of smoking?
Unit Two – Rights, Responsibilities and British Values
- Extremism in all of its forms
- Can you define extremism?
- Are all terrorists extremists?
- Is being an extremist legal?
- What is terrorism?
- Are terrorists easy to spot?
- Why may someone become a terrorist?
- Who can become a terrorist?
- The Radicalism Process
- What is radicalisation?
- How are people radicalised?
- Why do people begin holding extremist viewpoints?
- Counter Terrorism
- How does the UK prevent terrorism?
- What can you do if you are ever in a terrorist scenario?
- What is PREVENT?
- Anti-Semitism
- Can you describe Anti-Semitism?
- What is a Zionist?
- Why do you think Anti-Semitism is on the rise?
Unit Three – Health and Wellbeing
- Bullying
- What is bullying?
- What is HBT bullying?
- What are the types of bullying?
- Dealing with grief and loss
- Is there a timeline for dealing with loss?
- Does everyone grieve in the same way?
- How can you support someone who is grieving?
- Healthy Lifestyles
- What makes a healthy lifestyle?
- What advantages are there of having a healthy lifestyle?
- How can fibre help prevent cancer?
- What is a penis?
- What is the biological significance of the penis?
- What is testosterone?
- What cancers are men more prone to?
- What is a vulva?
- What is the biological significance of a vulva?
- What cancers are women more prone to?
- How does the menstrual cycle work?
- Media and Airbrushing
- What is self-esteem?
- Should airbrushing be banned?
- How does airbrushing and the media influence our ideas of body image?
Unit Four – Relationship and Sex Education
- Sex, Consent and the Law
- What is consent?
- Why is consent important?
- What is the age of consent?
- Rape and Sexual Assault
- What is rape?
- What is sexual harassment?
- What are the punishments for rape and sexual assault?
- What is FGM?
- What is the punishment for FGM?
- What is breast ironing?
- Why have sex?
- Why do people have sex?
- What are bad reasons to have sex?
- What are the consequences of having sex?
Unit Five – Relationships and Sex Education
- Pleasure and Masturbation
- What is pleasure?
- Are there risks of masturbation?
- Is it okay to masturbate?
- Contraception
- Why is contraception important?
- Can you explain abstinence?
- What types of contraception can men use?
- Contraception
- What does block, disable and suppress mean?
- Is contraception 100% effective?
- Who should be responsible for contraception?
- STIs
- Can you name five STDs?
- Can you describe Chlamydia?
- What are symptoms of Syphilis?
- STIs
- What happens if STIs are left untreated?
- Who is most likely to get an STI?
- What are GUM clinics?
- HIV and Aids?
- What is HIV?
- What is the difference between HIV and AIDS?
- How can we stop the spread of HIV?
Unit Six – Life Beyond School
- From Failure Comes Success
- Does failure lead to success?
- What can you do if you ever fail at something?
- How can you become successful?
- Happiness Vs Anger
- What are the most important things in your life?
- Is happiness the journey or the destination?
- What triggers your anger?
- Saving and management of money
- How do banks work?
- Why should you save money?
Year 8 RSHE Questions
Unit One – Rights, Responsibilities and British Values
- Desert Island Living
- What makes a good leader?
- Could you survive living on your own?
- If you could only have one item for the rest of your life, what would it be?
- Building a Community
- What is prejudice?
- Can you describe a time where you may have pre-judged someone?
- Who can face discrimination?
- Making decisions, teamwork and leadership
- How can you become a good leader?
- In what situations can you be a leader?
- What is the importance of teamwork?
- Crime, law and Society
- How does society punish people for their crimes?
- Should different people be punished in different ways?
- What is the age of criminal responsibility?
- How are laws made?
- Why do we need laws?
- Can you describe the law making process in the UK?
- Is making laws an easy process or not?
- Prison, Reform and Punishment
- What are the punishments people receive for: murder, manslaughter, GBH, theft?
- What is the Youth Court?
- Is the prison system suitable for what its aims are?
Unit Two – Celebrating Diversity and Equality
- What does LGBT stand for?
- What famous people you admire are members of the LGBT community?
- Are we respectful of the LGBT community in the UK?
- Sexual orientation and Gender Identity
- How can being a part of the LGBT community affect someone’s daily life?
- Does the LGBT community face any stereotypes?
- What is the difference between sex and gender?
- Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
- What does transgender mean?
- Can you explain the Gender Recognition Act?
- Why is homophobic language not acceptable?
- Homophobia
- What is the difference between homophobia, transphobia and biphobia?
- Is homophobia as bad as racism?
- Homophobia can come in what forms?
- Supporting the LGBT community
- What is an ally?
- What is oppression?
- How can you support members of the LGBT community?
- Challenging homophobia and transphobia
- What does being assertive mean?
- How can you challenge homophobia?
- What does passive aggressive mean?
Unit Three – Staying Safe On and Offline
- County Lines
- Can you explain what county lines are?
- How do gangs recruit and keep people in their gang?
- How are people recruited?
- County Lines
- Who do county lines gangs target?
- How do gangs psychological affect you?
- Does knowing about these gangs help you?
- Substance Misuse
- What is worse, drinking or drugs?
- Can you explain what substance misuse is?
- How can you get help for substance misuse?
- Cyber Bullying
- What is cyber bullying?
- How is cyber bullying different to all other kinds of bullying?
- Are there any laws regarding cyber bullying?
- Child Exploitation and Online Protection
- What is Child Sexual Exploitation?
- How can you help someone who is a victim?
- How can you stay safe online?
- Alcohol Safety
- Why do you think people drink?
- What are drinking units?
- Why do so many young people drink?
Unit Four – Health and Wellbeing
- Physical and Mental Health
- What is the difference between physical and mental health?
- What are good habits for both physical and mental health?
- Do you consider yourself healthy?
- Physical and Mental health
- What does good mental health look like?
- What is the Mental Health Act?
- Are there signs for all types of mental illness?
- Positive Body Image
- What is body image?
- Do boys suffer with body issues?
- How does body image change over the world?
- Bullying
- What is bullying?
- Does teasing cause any harm?
- How does bullying make someone feel?
- Child Abuse
- What are the four types of abuse?
- What is consent?
- Can you explain the importance of personal space?
- Healthy Eating
- What is BMI?
- What is balanced diet?
- How can your diet effect climate change?
- Stress Management
- What is stress?
- What are you biggest stressors?
- How can you help yourself deal with stress?
Unit Five – Relationships and Sex Education
- Relationship Education
- What types of relationships are there?
- What makes a good relationship?
- How do you show respect in a relationship?
- Healthy Relationships
- Do all people have the same idea of what a healthy relationship is?
- What is the age of consent?
- If someone isn’t comfortable in a relationship, what can they do?
- Conflict
- What is conflict?
- How can you try to resolve conflict?
- Is walking away to cool down after conflict a good idea?
- Periods
- Can you explain the menstrual cycle?
- Why is it important for boys to understand the menstrual cycle?
- What type of products can people use to help during the menstrual cycle?
- What is love?
- What do you think love is?
- Is love important?
- What should you consider when getting into a romantic relationship?
Unit Six – Life Beyond School
- Employability Skills
- What is an entrepreneur?
- What skills do you need in the workplace?
- How can you problem solve?
- Me, Myself and I
- What do you think your future self looks like?
- Why it is important to be happy?
- What is self-esteem?
- Self-Esteem and the Media
- What can boost someone’s self esteem?
- How can social media affect someone?
- How do you feel about yourself?
- Careers
- What jobs have you considered you may want to do?
- Is your chosen career the most important thing?
- How should you choose your career?
- Exploring Careers
- What are job sectors we have in the UK?
- What types of problems can people face at work?
- Does gender matter when choosing a career?
Year 9 RSHE Questions
Unit One – Staying Safe On and offline
- Introduction to Drugs and Addiction
- What do you think the most addictive substance is?
- What factors influence addiction?
- Why do people turn to drugs when they’re unhappy?
- Different types of addictions
- Can you name four types of addiction?
- Why are some addictions socially acceptable whereas others aren’t?
- What is the worst addiction and why?
- Cannabis Products
- What can cannabis be called?
- What are the side effects of using cannabis?
- Should cannabis be legal or illegal?
- Drug Classifications
- Can you describe the three main classes of drugs?
- What are the punishments for possession of the three classes of drugs?
- What do you think the punishments for using and possessing drugs should be?
- Class A and B Drugs
- What are the effects of cocaine?
- What is the most dangerous drug in your opinion?
- What is Heroin?
- Alcohol and Smoking
- How is alcohol measured?
- What are the effects of alcohol misuse?
- What are the effects of smoking?
Unit Two – Rights, Responsibilities and British Values
- Extremism in all of its forms
- Can you define extremism?
- Are all terrorists extremists?
- Is being an extremist legal?
- What is terrorism?
- Are terrorists easy to spot?
- Why may someone become a terrorist?
- Who can become a terrorist?
- The Radicalism Process
- What is radicalisation?
- How are people radicalised?
- Why do people begin holding extremist viewpoints?
- Counter Terrorism
- How does the UK prevent terrorism?
- What can you do if you are ever in a terrorist scenario?
- What is PREVENT?
- Anti-Semitism
- Can you describe Anti-Semitism?
- What is a Zionist?
- Why do you think Anti-Semitism is on the rise?
Unit Three – Health and Wellbeing
- Bullying
- What is bullying?
- What is HBT bullying?
- What are the types of bullying?
- Dealing with grief and loss
- Is there a timeline for dealing with loss?
- Does everyone grieve in the same way?
- How can you support someone who is grieving?
- Healthy Lifestyles
- What makes a healthy lifestyle?
- What advantages are there of having a healthy lifestyle?
- How can fibre help prevent cancer?
- What is a penis?
- What is the biological significance of the penis?
- What is testosterone?
- What cancers are men more prone to?
- What is a vulva?
- What is the biological significance of a vulva?
- What cancers are women more prone to?
- How does the menstrual cycle work?
- Media and Airbrushing
- What is self-esteem?
- Should airbrushing be banned?
- How does airbrushing and the media influence our ideas of body image?
Unit Four – Relationship and Sex Education
- Sex, Consent and the Law
- What is consent?
- Why is consent important?
- What is the age of consent?
- Rape and Sexual Assault
- What is rape?
- What is sexual harassment?
- What are the punishments for rape and sexual assault?
- What is FGM?
- What is the punishment for FGM?
- What is breast ironing?
- Why have sex?
- Why do people have sex?
- What are bad reasons to have sex?
- What are the consequences of having sex?
Unit Five – Relationships and Sex Education
- Pleasure and Masturbation
- What is pleasure?
- Are there risks of masturbation?
- Is it okay to masturbate?
- Contraception
- Why is contraception important?
- Can you explain abstinence?
- What types of contraception can men use?
- Contraception
- What does block, disable and suppress mean?
- Is contraception 100% effective?
- Who should be responsible for contraception?
- STIs
- Can you name five STDs?
- Can you describe Chlamydia?
- What are symptoms of Syphilis?
- STIs
- What happens if STIs are left untreated?
- Who is most likely to get an STI?
- What are GUM clinics?
- HIV and Aids?
- What is HIV?
- What is the difference between HIV and AIDS?
- How can we stop the spread of HIV?
Unit Six – Life Beyond School
- From Failure Comes Success
- Does failure lead to success?
- What can you do if you ever fail at something?
- How can you become successful?
- Happiness Vs Anger
- What are the most important things in your life?
- Is happiness the journey or the destination?
- What triggers your anger?
- Saving and management of money
- How do banks work?
- Why should you save money?
- What are essentials you should spend your money on?