Engage 14-19
This provision is suitable for students who require additional support with achieving Level 2 qualifications post-16 or early entry into a college-based curriculum.
Adaptations to the curriculum
Within the EP, adaptations are made to how the curriculum is planned and taught to ensure needs are met. Examples of adaptations include:
- Smaller group sizes
- Regular low stress periods/brain breaks
- Flexible groupings and session times
- Access to adapted technology (e.g. laptops) as usual way of working
- Access to ear defenders/headphones to support sensory processing
- Shorter learning episodes to support regulation
- Regular assessment of foundation skills (e.g. IDL testing)
- Overlearning of content previously covered
- Adjusted break/lunch times
- Access to sensory/quiet spaces to regulate
- Access to sensory tools (e.g. bubble tubes, fidget pillows, weighted blankets)
- Access to key workers for withdrawal sessions
- Access to external agencies as part of curriculum time
- Access to offsite provisions, inc. regular work experience where appropriate
- Dedicated Core Strengths curriculum sessions
- Adjustments to uniform expectations to support sensory processing
- Access to additional learning platforms online
- Unstructured time support
- Access to Learning Support and associated interventions