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Football Beyond Borders

Year 9 students, who have been taking part in the Football Beyond Borders (FBB) programme, recently shared their experiences with their peers through a series of assemblies.

The assemblies were hosted by Lois.N, Harry.B, Riley.W, Zack.E and Reace.G, alongside FBB mentors Shona and Ryan. Our students described the different activities and learning that they have participated in throughout the last year and answered questions from students in the audience.

The Football Beyond Borders programme uses the power of football to help enable young people to achieve their goals & make their voices heard. Our FBB students are now in their second year of the programme and one of the aims of the assembly was to encourage fellow students about joining. (Places are limited.)

“I am really enjoying the Football Beyond Borders programme, because it is a place where I can enjoy myself and become a better person. I want to inspire young people to come to FBB because it will help give them an opportunity to work with the fantastic mentors." Harry.B

Well done to our FBB students who have shown fantastic engagement in the programme and for helping to present an engaging assembly to all year groups.

Click here for more information about the Football Beyond Borders programme.