Multicultural Experience

Well done to Sixth Former Antonia Listrat for recently organising successful multicultural events at both Academies.
Antonia and a team of student helpers prepared plenty of sweet and savoury dishes, giving members of the school community an opportunity to taste foods from around the world.
“I came up with the idea of a multicultural event while imagining how wonderful it would be for students to celebrate and share experiences of their different cultures. The students I asked to help were really keen to get involved and they loved taking part.”
“The aim of the event was to promote diversity, learn about other cultures and strengthen relationships. By learning about other people’s backgrounds, I believe that we’ll continue to be united as a community.”
“We worked well as a team and this created a strong sense of togetherness. Students expressed pride by wearing traditional customs. We played music in different languages which helped to create a multicultural atmosphere.” Antonia Listrat
“The food was delicious and smelled really good.” Dasiy Waring – Year 7.
“It was really awesome. All the food was really tasty and it was all very decorative.” Ocean-Leigh George – Year 7.